Usufruct in Thailand

Usufruct in Thailand

Usufruct in Thailand. For those interested in enjoying a property in Thailand but unable to own land directly, the concept of usufruct offers a compelling alternative. This article explores usufruct in Thailand, its benefits, and the key points to consider. What is Usufruct? In Thai law, usufruct, known as “Sidhi-kep-kin,” grants a person (the usufructuary) […]

Contract Review in Thailand

Contract Review in Thailand

Contract Review in Thailand. Contracts serve as the backbone of business relationships, providing a framework for expectations, responsibilities, and legal obligations. In Thailand, like in any jurisdiction, it’s crucial to approach contract review with diligence and understanding of local laws. This article offers a comprehensive guide to contract review in Thailand, covering its significance, key […]

Title Search in Thailand

Title Search in Thailand

Title Search in Thailand. Investing in real estate is a significant undertaking, and ensuring the legitimacy of property ownership is paramount. In Thailand, conducting a thorough title search is a crucial step in the real estate transaction process. This article delves into the importance of title searches in Thailand, the legal framework surrounding property titles, […]

Leasehold in Thailand

Leasehold in Thailand. Investing in real estate is an attractive option for many individuals and businesses looking to expand their portfolios or establish a presence in international markets. Thailand, with its thriving economy, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, has become a popular destination for real estate investment. While foreigners are generally restricted from owning land […]

Property Due Diligence in Thailand

Property due diligence in Thailand typically involves comprehensive research and investigation to assess the legal, financial, and physical aspects of a property. While the specific requirements may vary based on the property type and location, here are some popular areas of focus during property due diligence in Thailand: Title Deed Verification: Confirm the legitimacy and […]

Property Title Transfer in Thailand

Property Title Transfer is the process of transferring the ownership of a piece of land from one party to another. The name of the owner is registered at the Land Office and a new title deed is issued for the property. In Thailand, there are several ways to acquire a piece of land and a […]